Monday, 28 May 2012

Life goes on :(

There was another tragic explosion in downtown Nairobi this afternoon. There have been varying police reports of it being an electrical fault, but the president has just released a statement saying that it was a terrorist attack.

Living and working away from the city centre, in both affluent and peaceful areas, it is easy to feel very removed from all that is going on. As I drove home from work today and traffic was slowing, I had a strange feeling about this city which I have grown to love, but then I noticed the innocent reason for the delay, a herd of cows were crossing the road. It is a city of contrasts on so many levels. So far the attacks have targeted low income areas and apart from more random searches on vehicles and people, there has been little effect on everyday life for me here. It seems wrong to say that. I have people from outside Kenya often asking how it has affected things here and how I can live in such an unstable place. I am very fortunate to be so well looked after. Each attack is devastating though of course, and we all reach quickly for our phones to check on loved ones who may be in those areas.

Security has been tightened since October. We are now searched when we enter a shopping centre, and our cars are searched before we park. However, being a white woman....the searches are not always confidence inducing. Yes it is nice not to be seen as suspicious, but it does remove my faith in some of the security measures. A few months ago when going to park my car one evening, the security guard simply asked me if I was a member of the terrorist group Al Shabbab! I said no, and he waved me through! Hmmm.... In school we now all have badges on our cars, and information via the British High Commission or various security groups here are passed quickly among colleagues and friends.

I guess it's all about striking a balance right now. Everything in life is a calculated risk. Every few weeks there will be discussions about whether to do this or go to that and things are carefully weighed up. I am due to take my class to the National Museum on Wednesday, we'll see if any parents complain tomorrow or whether we can go ahead....

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Lioness no more

This is proving very controversial....

Just heard that they shot the lioness earlier....relief yes, but now there are 4 orphan cubs!

Escaped lioness has babies!

This morning we were told to listen out for roaring!!

The lioness has had four cubs and she was in the compound next to our school. There have been so many sightings lately by friends who have seen her at their gates (this concerned me as my friend Helen does not have the most secure gate and it was about 7pm!) and roaming about nearby. I don't think anyone knew she was preggers though! KWS still have their "Lion Line" but despite so many sightings, she has still evaded capture....not sure how quick they are to follow up such calls. We'll see how it develops now that she has a few more mouths to feed.....