Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Last week the evacuation drills began in school. It is amazing how calm the kids are and how unphased. We had another practice on Tuesday and are trying to identify any potential difficulties (despite it being very unlikely). When we got back to class we had a little chat about the whole thing and how sometimes we will have to use different entrances etc depending on where we are on campus. The question of the swimming pool came up, and what the children would do if they were in it. It got so funny and ridiculous as some children suddenly looked totally panicked at the thought of being caught out completely naked if they were changing. I love that that is their only fear! I tried to reassure them that if they were naked, their clothes and towel would not be far away so easy to put on fast! We laughed so hard about the whole thing.

Last night I went to an open evening run by the British High Commission. I expected a rather informal chat whilst munching on cucumber sarnies, so was rather surprised when it was a sit down affair in a theatre! My friend and I were planning a quick escape when it started getting interesting. After the introduction the floor was opened for questions. Wow, the atmosphere changed so fast and was transformed into chat show style, like Jeremy Kyle! People became very animated, angry and loud! There was booing and unbelieving giggles, as well as applause for those who made a point that was very appreciated! Just looking at people's faces was hilarious. I didn't realise how disgruntled people were! So much for going hoping for a cheeky glass of Pimms! The upcoming elections are causing tensions yes, though people were more cross about passport renewal times and the slow response times to emails. It was such an entertaining few hours. I am def going to the next one!!