Thursday, 19 August 2010 of superlatives!

So...the adventure has begun! Arrived in Dubai last night. Very impressed with Emirates-fresh flowers on board, and a free Hello magazine-brilliant! Nairobi's gonna be quite a change tomorrow!!! The airport alone was so huge and modern, took me ages to find the exit! My friend, Trevor picked me up and we went on a lil drive-gorgeous place, massive skyscrapers everywhere,  the buildings are incredible! Unbelievably hot though, freaked me out that it was the middle of the night and already boiling, fortunately modern cities have got air con!
Had a lil wander round today, saw the world's tallest building, and hotel, and aquarium....this city does not do things second best!! The shopping centres are crazy big. We walked through one today and there was an ice rink inside-surrounded by shops, and of course, the world's biggest aquarium. Completely surreal! Didn't realise how close Dubai was to Nairobi, so would be good to return and see more another time. How the wanderlust continues....

Waiting for flight to Nairobi now, still in surreal mode, but excitement's mounting! Great to catch up with people en route though, and looking forward to starting life in Africa!


  1. Hi Hannah good to hear from you, glad your loving it! Enjoy every min! Lots of love Matt

  2. Hello Hannah, So far so good. Thanks for update.G
