Wednesday, 16 February 2011

How Kenya has changed me...

The other day I was in the shower and realised that there were quite a few, rewind a few months and I would have been out like a shot, calling for help!! I hardly batted an eyelid and this made me smile as I thought of how brave I had become. Hahahaha you really have to do a before and after comparison to describe me as brave!!

A few examples:
Geckos have become my friends-is quite easy to love them when they eat mozzies.
Camping is no longer an absolute no chance possibility when going away.
I am no longer a veggie....not even close. No excuses either actually  as veggie food is great here, but the 4 days that I lived in Africa as a veggie I did get a lot of hassle and stick!
My driving has def changed....cutting people up is no longer a thing to worry about...instead it's watching out for traffic coming towards you in your own lane, fog lights blinding you, baboons crossing in front of you...

Major exception to the new brave Hannah was my first Kenyan cockroach my bath. I shrieked and ran out...came back a few hours later and fortunately there have been no future sightings. There are def a few areas where I refuse to become fully Africanised.....still wear heels every day, still love nail varnish, still won't have pets, still hate mozzie nets and try to avoid them as much as poss but I do feel the change is very admirable!!

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