Friday, 6 March 2015

Food in Zambia

We ate so well! Much less tricky than in other African countries but seriously repetitive. So much fried chicken and rice! It became quite funny as we were literally eating the same meal twice a day for a week. Chicken, green beans, rice and a thin tomato sauce. It was tasty so I was always quite relieved but it got so boring! Neither of us want fried chicken again for a while. The local staple is nshima which is ground maize. The locals love it and get so excited about eating it, which happens usually daily! I think it's like the Italians and pasta. I was told by a fellow Brit that it tasted like wallpaper paste so I wasn't particularly excited about its arrival! It was pretty bland; I didn't really understand the craziness of it. You have to eat it with your hands though everything else on your plate with cutlery so it was a bit of a faff! It was awful when someone entered and required a handshake (or several!) and then back to rolling up balls of the stuff!

Most of the time there we didn't drink which was nice though I think some of the Zambians who had been to Italy and witnessed the wine drinking were surprised. We thought it was the right thing to do as most of the staff there didn't drink and culturally it is so different. They do love their sodas though! In Lusaka and Livingstone we managed to try the local beer, Mosi, and got to drink Savannah again :)

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